It is time to choose You.


How Therapy Can Help YOU



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma and many other mental health problems. To date, EMDR therapy has helped millions of people of all ages relieve many types of psychological stress.

Lifespan Integration

Lifespan Integration is a gentle, body-based therapeutic method which heals without re-traumatizing. We all hold beliefs that limit us; perhaps these beliefs were once protective but now, they no longer serve a positive worthy purpose. Through Lifespan Integration, we get to find out where these beliefs were born, be it early learning through family circumstances, one’s own world view or big “T” or little “t” trauma. Lifespan Integration allows us to resolve and restructure these beliefs in a safe, profound and lasting way.


Anxiety, depression, trauma, low self esteem and learned thought and behaviour patterns can make us feel like we are stuck. As if nothing will ever be different. Mindfulness can bring us into ourselves and into the present moment. One moment at a time we can unfold into freedom from our suffering.

The Work

“All the suffering that goes on inside our minds is not reality, says Byron Katie. It's just a story we torture ourselves with.” I often hear insightful clients say they know their thoughts are causing them stress, feelings of anxiety or distress. People understand that changing their perspective could in fact change their lives. So, how does one do this? Byron Katie has created a simple, effective system to help us examine our stressful thoughts and truly release us from our stress-inducing stories.

Everything can always be different.

Alfred Adler

Start a new relationship with yourself now.